Class: CanvasMaskManager

Tiny. CanvasMaskManager

A set of functions used to handle masking.

new Tiny.CanvasMaskManager(renderer)

Name Type Description
renderer Tiny.CanvasRenderer

The canvas renderer.


Destroys this canvas mask manager.

Restores the current drawing context to the state it was before the mask was applied.

Name Type Description
renderer Tiny.CanvasRenderer

The renderer context to use.

This method adds it to the current stack of masks.

Name Type Description
maskData object

the maskData that will be pushed

Renders a Tiny.Graphics shape.

Name Type Description
graphics Tiny.Graphics

The object to render.

Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.4.3 on Fri Jul 09 2021 19:32:26 GMT+0800 (CST)