Class: Graphics

Tiny. Graphics

The Graphics class contains methods used to draw primitive shapes such as lines, circles and rectangles to the display, and to color and fill them.

new Tiny.Graphics(nativeLines)

Name Type Default Description
nativeLines boolean false optional

If true the lines will be draw using LINES instead of TRIANGLE_STRIP




Graphics curves resolution settings. If adaptive flag is set to true, the resolution is calculated based on the curve's length to ensure better visual quality.
Adaptive draw works with bezierCurveTo and quadraticCurveTo.

Name Type Default Description
adaptive boolean false

flag indicating if the resolution should be adaptive

maxLength number 10

maximal length of a single segment of the curve (if adaptive = false, ignored)

minSegments number 8

minimal number of segments in the curve (if adaptive = false, ignored)

maxSegments number 2048

maximal number of segments in the curve (if adaptive = false, ignored)

  • 1.2.0


该对象上绑定的所有 Action


The opacity of the object.


The blend mode to be applied to the graphic shape. Apply a value of Tiny.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL to reset the blend mode.

Default Value:


The bounds' padding used for bounds calculation.


If enabled, the mouse cursor use the pointer behavior when hovered over the displayObject if it is interactive
Setting this changes the 'cursor' property to 'pointer'.

const sprite = new Tiny.Sprite(texture);
sprite.interactive = true;
sprite.buttonMode = true;


The array of children of this container.


This defines what cursor mode is used when the mouse cursor is hovered over the displayObject.

const sprite = new Tiny.Sprite(texture);
sprite.interactive = true;
sprite.cursor = 'wait';


The alpha value used when filling the Graphics object.

Default Value:
  • 1


The area the filter is applied to. This is used as more of an optimisation rather than figuring out the dimensions of the displayObject each frame you can set this rectangle

Also works as an interaction mask


Sets the filters for the displayObject.

  • IMPORTANT: This is a webGL only feature and will be ignored by the canvas renderer.
    To remove filters simply set this property to 'null'


The height of the Container, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Interaction shape. Children will be hit first, then this shape will be checked.
Setting this will cause this shape to be checked in hit tests rather than the displayObject's bounds.

const sprite = new Tiny.Sprite(texture);
sprite.interactive = true;
sprite.hitArea = new Tiny.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);


Enable interaction events for the DisplayObject. Touch, pointer and mouse events will not be emitted unless interactive is set to true.

const sprite = new Tiny.Sprite(texture);
sprite.interactive = true;
sprite.on('tap', (event) => {
   //handle event


Determines if the children to the displayObject can be clicked/touched
Setting this to false allows Tiny to bypass a recursive hitTest function


Whether this shape is being used as a mask.


The alignment of any lines drawn (0.5 = middle, 1 = outter, 0 = inner).

Default Value:
  • 0.5


The color of any lines drawn.

Default Value:
  • 0


The width (thickness) of any lines drawn.

Default Value:
  • 0


Current transform of the object based on local factors: position, scale, other stuff

Sets a mask for the displayObject. A mask is an object that limits the visibility of an object to the shape of the mask applied to it. In Tiny a regular mask must be a Tiny.Graphics or a Tiny.Sprite object. This allows for much faster masking in canvas as it utilises shape clipping. To remove a mask, set this property to null.


The instance name of the object.


If true the lines will be draw using LINES instead of TRIANGLE_STRIP


The display object container that contains this display object.

The pivot point of the displayObject that it rotates around

The coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.


Can this object be rendered, if false the object will not be drawn but the updateTransform methods will still be called.

Only affects recursive calls from parent. You can ask for bounds manually


The rotation of the object in radians.

The scale factor of the object.

The skew factor for the object in radians.


The tint applied to the graphic shape. This is a hex value. Apply a value of 0xFFFFFF to reset the tint.

Default Value:
  • 0xFFFFFF

World transform and local transform of this object.
This will become read-only later, please do not assign anything there unless you know what are you doing


The visibility of the object. If false the object will not be drawn, and the updateTransform function will not be called.

Only affects recursive calls from parent. You can ask for bounds or call updateTransform manually


The width of the Container, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set


The multiplied alpha of the displayObject


Current transform of the object based on world (parent) factors


Indicates if the object is globally visible.


The position of the displayObject on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
An alias to position.x


The position of the displayObject on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
An alias to position.y


Adds one or more children to the container.

Multiple items can be added like so: myContainer.addChild(thingOne, thingTwo, thingThree)

Name Type Description
child Tiny.DisplayObject repeatable

The DisplayObject(s) to add to the container

Type Description
Tiny.DisplayObject The first child that was added.

Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown

Name Type Description
child Tiny.DisplayObject

The child to add

index number

The index to place the child in

Type Description
Tiny.DisplayObject The child that was added.

Adds a hole in the current path.

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics Returns itself.

arc(cx, cy, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise){Tiny.Graphics}

The arc method creates an arc/curve (used to create circles, or parts of circles).

Name Type Default Description
cx number

The x-coordinate of the center of the circle

cy number

The y-coordinate of the center of the circle

radius number

The radius of the circle

startAngle number

The starting angle, in radians (0 is at the 3 o'clock position of the arc's circle)

endAngle number

The ending angle, in radians

anticlockwise boolean false optional

Specifies whether the drawing should be counter-clockwise or clockwise. False is default, and indicates clockwise, while true indicates counter-clockwise.

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius){Tiny.Graphics}

The arcTo() method creates an arc/curve between two tangents on the canvas.

"borrowed" from - thanks google!

Name Type Description
x1 number

The x-coordinate of the beginning of the arc

y1 number

The y-coordinate of the beginning of the arc

x2 number

The x-coordinate of the end of the arc

y2 number

The y-coordinate of the end of the arc

radius number

The radius of the arc

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

beginFill(color, alpha){Tiny.Graphics}

Specifies a simple one-color fill that subsequent calls to other Graphics methods (such as lineTo() or drawCircle()) use when drawing.

Name Type Default Description
color number 0 optional

the color of the fill

alpha number 1 optional

the alpha of the fill

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

bezierCurveTo(cpX, cpY, cpX2, cpY2, toX, toY){Tiny.Graphics}

Calculate the points for a bezier curve and then draws it.

Name Type Description
cpX number

Control point x

cpY number

Control point y

cpX2 number

Second Control point x

cpY2 number

Second Control point y

toX number

Destination point x

toY number

Destination point y

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

Recalculates the bounds of the container.

Clears the graphics that were drawn to this Graphics object, and resets fill and line style settings.

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

Creates a new Graphics object with the same values as this one.
Note that the only the properties of the object are cloned, not its transform (position,scale,etc)

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics A clone of the graphics object

Closes the current path.

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics Returns itself.


Tests if a point is inside this graphics object

Name Type Description
point Tiny.Point

the point to test

Type Description
boolean the result of the test

Destroys the Graphics object.

Name Type Description
options object | boolean optional

Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options have been set to that value

Name Type Default Description
children boolean false optional

if set to true, all the children will have their destroy method called as well. 'options' will be passed on to those calls.

texture boolean false optional

Only used for child Sprites if options.children is set to true. Should it destroy the texture of the child sprite

baseTexture boolean false optional

Only used for child Sprites if options.children is set to true. Should it destroy the base texture of the child sprite

drawCircle(x, y, radius){Tiny.Graphics}

Draws a circle.

Name Type Description
x number

The X coordinate of the center of the circle

y number

The Y coordinate of the center of the circle

radius number

The radius of the circle

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

drawEllipse(x, y, width, height){Tiny.Graphics}

Draws an ellipse.

Name Type Description
x number

The X coordinate of the center of the ellipse

y number

The Y coordinate of the center of the ellipse

width number

The half width of the ellipse

height number

The half height of the ellipse

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

Draws a polygon using the given path.

Name Type Description
path array.<number> | array.<Tiny.Point> | array.<Tiny.Polygon>

The path data used to construct the polygon.

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

drawRect(x, y, width, height){Tiny.Graphics}

Name Type Description
x number

The X coord of the top-left of the rectangle

y number

The Y coord of the top-left of the rectangle

width number

The width of the rectangle

height number

The height of the rectangle

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

drawRoundedRect(x, y, width, height, radius){Tiny.Graphics}

Name Type Description
x number

The X coord of the top-left of the rectangle

y number

The Y coord of the top-left of the rectangle

width number

The width of the rectangle

height number

The height of the rectangle

radius number

Radius of the rectangle corners

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

Draws the given shape to this Graphics object. Can be any of Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Line or Polygon.

Name Type Description
shape Tiny.Circle | Tiny.Ellipse | Tiny.Polygon | Tiny.Rectangle | Tiny.RoundedRectangle

The shape object to draw.

Type Description
Tiny.GraphicsData The generated GraphicsData object.

drawStar(x, y, points, radius, innerRadius, rotation){Tiny.Graphics}

Draw a star shape with an abitrary number of points.

Name Type Default Description
x number

Center X position of the star

y number

Center Y position of the star

points number

The number of points of the star, must be > 1

radius number

The outer radius of the star

innerRadius number optional

The inner radius between points, default half radius

rotation number 0 optional

The rotation of the star in radians, where 0 is vertical

  • 1.2.0
Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

Applies a fill to the lines and shapes that were added since the last call to the beginFill() method.

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

generateCanvasTexture(scaleMode, resolution){Tiny.Texture}

Generates a canvas texture.

Name Type Default Description
scaleMode number

The scale mode of the texture.

resolution number 1

The resolution of the texture.

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The new texture.

Retrieves the bounds of the displayObject as a rectangle object.

Name Type Description
skipUpdate boolean

setting to true will stop the transforms of the scene graph from being updated. This means the calculation returned MAY be out of date BUT will give you nice performance boost

rect Tiny.Rectangle

Optional rectangle to store the result of the bounds calculation

Type Description
Tiny.Rectangle the rectangular bounding area

Returns the child at the specified index

Name Type Description
index number

The index to get the child at

Type Description
Tiny.DisplayObject The child at the given index, if any.

Returns the display object in the container

Name Type Description
name string

instance name

Type Description
Tiny.DisplayObject The child with the specified name.

inherited getChildIndex(child){number}

Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance

Name Type Description
child Tiny.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject instance to identify

Type Description
number The index position of the child display object to identify

inherited getGlobalPosition(point, skipUpdate){Tiny.Point}

Returns the global position of the displayObject. Does not depend on object scale, rotation and pivot.

Name Type Default Description
point Tiny.Point

the point to write the global value to. If null a new point will be returned

skipUpdate boolean false

setting to true will stop the transforms of the scene graph from being updated. This means the calculation returned MAY be out of date BUT will give you a nice performance boost

Type Description
Tiny.Point The updated point

inherited getLocalBounds(rect, skipChildrenUpdate){Tiny.Rectangle}

Retrieves the local bounds of the displayObject as a rectangle object.

Name Type Default Description
rect Tiny.Rectangle optional

Optional rectangle to store the result of the bounds calculation.

skipChildrenUpdate boolean false optional

Setting to true will stop re-calculation of children transforms.

Type Description
Tiny.Rectangle The rectangular bounding area.

获取对象的属性:x, y, angle, rotation, visible, alpha, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, colorR, colorG, colorB

Type Description
Type Description
Type Description
Type Description
Type Description
Type Description
Type Description
Type Description
  • 1.1.0
Type Description
Type Description


True if graphics consists of one rectangle, and thus, can be drawn like a Sprite and masked with gl.scissor.

Type Description
boolean True if only 1 rect.

lineStyle(lineWidth, color, alpha, alignment){Tiny.Graphics}

Specifies the line style used for subsequent calls to Graphics methods such as the lineTo() method or the drawCircle() method.

Name Type Default Description
lineWidth number 0 optional

width of the line to draw, will update the objects stored style

color number 0 optional

color of the line to draw, will update the objects stored style

alpha number 1 optional

alpha of the line to draw, will update the objects stored style

alignment number 0.5 optional

alignment of the line to draw, (0 = inner, 0.5 = middle, 1 = outter)

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to (x, y);
The current drawing position is then set to (x, y).

Name Type Description
x number

the X coordinate to draw to

y number

the Y coordinate to draw to

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

Moves the current drawing position to x, y.

Name Type Description
x number

the X coordinate to move to

y number

the Y coordinate to move to

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

quadraticCurveTo(cpX, cpY, toX, toY){Tiny.Graphics}

Calculate the points for a quadratic bezier curve and then draws it.
Based on:

Name Type Description
cpX number

Control point x

cpY number

Control point y

toX number

Destination point x

toY number

Destination point y

Type Description
Tiny.Graphics This Graphics object. Good for chaining method calls

移除该对象上绑定的某个(些) Action

Name Type Description
actions Tiny.Action repeatable


  • 1.6.0
sprite.removeAction(action1, action2);

移除该对象上绑定的所有 Action

移除该对象及其子集上绑定的所有 Action

Removes one or more children from the container.

Name Type Description
child Tiny.DisplayObject repeatable

The DisplayObject(s) to remove

Type Description
Tiny.DisplayObject The first child that was removed.

Removes a child from the specified index position.

Name Type Description
index number

The index to get the child from

Type Description
Tiny.DisplayObject The child that was removed.

inherited removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex){Array.<DisplayObject>}

Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes.

Name Type Default Description
beginIndex number 0 optional

The beginning position.

endIndex number this.children.length optional

The ending position. Default value is size of the container.

Type Description
Array.<DisplayObject> List of removed children

Renders the object using the Canvas renderer

Name Type Description
renderer Tiny.CanvasRenderer

The renderer

Renders the object using the WebGL renderer

Name Type Description
renderer Tiny.WebGLRenderer

The renderer

让 action 们动起来吧

Tips: 多组action同时:runAction([action1, action2], action3)

Name Type Description
actions array.<Tiny.Action> | Tiny.Action

action 数组或参数序列

var action = Tiny.MoveBy(1000, Tiny.point(100, 100));
// container 会在舞台的(0, 0)位置和(100, 100)位置来回不停的移动

inherited runSequenceAction(actions)

有顺序的让 action 们动起来吧

Tips: runSequenceAction(action1, action2)

Name Type Description
actions array.<Tiny.Action> | Tiny.Action

action 数组或参数序列

var action1 = Tiny.MoveTo(1000, Tiny.point(100, 100));
var action2 = Tiny.ScaleBy(1200, Tiny.scale(0.25, 2));
var action3 = Tiny.RotateTo(2000, {rotation: Tiny.PI_2});
container.runSequenceAction(action1, action2, action3);
//container 先在1000ms内从坐标(0, 0)移动到(100, 100),然后在1200ms内横向缩小0.25倍,纵向拉伸2倍,最后在2000ms内顺时针旋转360度

inherited setChildIndex(child, index)

Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container

Name Type Description
child Tiny.DisplayObject

The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number

index number

The resulting index number for the child display object


Name Type Description
b boolean
Name Type Description
alpha number

Set the parent Container of this DisplayObject

Name Type Description
container Tiny.Container

The Container to add this DisplayObject to

Type Description
Tiny.Container The Container that this DisplayObject was added to
Name Type Description
x number
y number
Name Type Description
x number
y number
Name Type Description
x number
Name Type Description
y number
Name Type Description
rotation number
Name Type Description
x number
y number
Name Type Description
x number
y number
  • 1.1.0

inherited setTransform(x, y, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, skewX, skewY, pivotX, pivotY){Tiny.DisplayObject}

Convenience function to set the position, scale, skew and pivot at once.

Name Type Default Description
x number 0 optional

The X position

y number 0 optional

The Y position

scaleX number 1 optional

The X scale value

scaleY number 1 optional

The Y scale value

rotation number 0 optional

The rotation

skewX number 0 optional

The X skew value

skewY number 0 optional

The Y skew value

pivotX number 0 optional

The X pivot value

pivotY number 0 optional

The Y pivot value

Type Description
Tiny.DisplayObject The DisplayObject instance
Name Type Description
visible boolean

inherited swapChildren(child, child2)

Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container.

Name Type Description
child Tiny.DisplayObject

First display object to swap

child2 Tiny.DisplayObject

Second display object to swap

inherited toGlobal(position, point, skipUpdate){Tiny.Point}

Calculates the global position of the display object

Name Type Default Description
position Tiny.Point

The world origin to calculate from

point Tiny.Point optional

A Point object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point)

skipUpdate boolean false optional

Should we skip the update transform.

Type Description
Tiny.Point A point object representing the position of this object

inherited toLocal(position, from, point, skipUpdate){Tiny.Point}

Calculates the local position of the display object relative to another point

Name Type Default Description
position Tiny.Point

The world origin to calculate from

from Tiny.DisplayObject optional

The DisplayObject to calculate the global position from

point Tiny.Point optional

A Point object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point)

skipUpdate boolean false optional

Should we skip the update transform

Type Description
Tiny.Point A point object representing the position of this object

Update the bounds of the object

Updates the transform on all children of this container for rendering


Fired when this DisplayObject is added to a Container.

Name Type Description
container Tiny.Container

The container added to.

Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed and released on the display object. DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed on the display. object. DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved while over the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved off the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved onto the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released over the display object. DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a mousedown.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when the operating system cancels a pointer event.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device button is pressed on the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device is moved while over the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device is moved off the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device is moved onto the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device button is pressed and released on the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device button is released over the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device button is released outside the display object that initially registered a pointerdown.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when this DisplayObject is removed from a Container.

Name Type Description
container Tiny.Container

The container removed from.

Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed and released on the display object. DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed on the display object. DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released over the display object. DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a rightdown.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a touch point is placed and removed from the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when the operating system cancels a touch.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a touch point is removed from the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a touch point is removed outside of the display object that initially registered a touchstart.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a touch point is moved along the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Fired when a touch point is placed on the display object.
DisplayObject's interactive property must be set to true to fire event.

Name Type Description
event Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent

Interaction event

Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.4.3 on Fri Jul 09 2021 19:32:26 GMT+0800 (CST)