Source: tiny/interaction/InteractionManager.js

import * as core from '../core';
import { mixins } from '../../utils';
import InteractionData from './InteractionData';
import InteractionEvent from './InteractionEvent';
import InteractionTrackingData from './InteractionTrackingData';
import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3';
import interactiveTarget from './interactiveTarget';

// Mix interactiveTarget into core.DisplayObject.prototype, after deprecation has been handled


// helpers for hitTest() - only used inside hitTest()
const hitTestEvent = {
  target: null,
  data: {
    global: null,

 * The interaction manager deals with mouse, touch and pointer events. Any DisplayObject can be interactive if its interactive parameter is set to true
 * This manager also supports multitouch.
 * An instance of this class is automatically created by default, and can be found at renderer.plugins.interaction
 * @class
 * @extends EventEmitter
 * @memberof Tiny.interaction
 * @private
export default class InteractionManager extends EventEmitter {
   * @param {Tiny.CanvasRenderer|Tiny.WebGLRenderer} renderer - A reference to the current renderer
   * @param {object} [options] - The options for the manager.
   * @param {boolean} [options.autoPreventDefault=true] - Should the manager automatically prevent default browser actions.
   * @param {number} [options.interactionFrequency=10] - Frequency increases the interaction events will be checked.
  constructor(renderer, options) {

    options = options || {};

     * The renderer this interaction manager works for.
     * @member {Tiny.SystemRenderer}
    this.renderer = renderer;

     * Should default browser actions automatically be prevented.
     * Does not apply to pointer events for backwards compatibility preventDefault on pointer events stops mouse events from firing
     * Thus, for every pointer event, there will always be either a mouse of touch event alongside it.
     * @member {boolean}
     * @default true
    this.autoPreventDefault = options.autoPreventDefault !== undefined ? options.autoPreventDefault : true;

     * Frequency in milliseconds that the mousemove, moveover & mouseout interaction events will be checked.
     * @member {number}
     * @default 10
    this.interactionFrequency = options.interactionFrequency || 10;

     * The mouse data
     * @member {Tiny.interaction.InteractionData}
    this.mouse = new InteractionData();
    this.mouse.identifier = MOUSE_POINTER_ID;

    // setting the mouse to start off far off screen will mean that mouse over does not get called before we even move the mouse.;

     * Actively tracked InteractionData
     * @private
     * @member {object.<number,Tiny.interation.InteractionData>}
    this.activeInteractionData = {};
    this.activeInteractionData[MOUSE_POINTER_ID] = this.mouse;

     * Pool of unused InteractionData
     * @private
     * @member {Tiny.interation.InteractionData[]}
    this.interactionDataPool = [];

     * An event data object to handle all the event tracking/dispatching
     * @member {object}
    this.eventData = new InteractionEvent();

     * The DOM element to bind to.
     * @private
     * @member {HTMLElement}
    this.interactionDOMElement = null;

     * This property determines if mousemove and touchmove events are fired only when the cursor is over the object.
     * Setting to true will make things work more in line with how the DOM verison works.
     * Setting to false can make things easier for things like dragging
     * It is currently set to false as this is how Tiny used to work. This will be set to true in future versions of Tiny.
     * @member {boolean}
     * @default false
    this.moveWhenInside = false;

     * Have events been attached to the dom element?
     * @private
     * @member {boolean}
    this.eventsAdded = false;

     * Is the mouse hovering over the renderer?
     * @private
     * @member {boolean}
    this.mouseOverRenderer = false;

     * Does the device support touch events
     * @readonly
     * @member {boolean}
    this.supportsTouchEvents = 'ontouchstart' in window;

     * Does the device support pointer events
     * @readonly
     * @member {boolean}
    this.supportsPointerEvents = !!window.PointerEvent;

    // this will make it so that you don't have to call bind all the time

     * @private
     * @member {function}
    this.onPointerUp = this.onPointerUp.bind(this);
    this.processPointerUp = this.processPointerUp.bind(this);

     * @private
     * @member {function}
    this.onPointerCancel = this.onPointerCancel.bind(this);
    this.processPointerCancel = this.processPointerCancel.bind(this);

     * @private
     * @member {function}
    this.onPointerDown = this.onPointerDown.bind(this);
    this.processPointerDown = this.processPointerDown.bind(this);

     * @private
     * @member {function}
    this.onPointerMove = this.onPointerMove.bind(this);
    this.processPointerMove = this.processPointerMove.bind(this);

     * @private
     * @member {function}
    this.onPointerOut = this.onPointerOut.bind(this);
    this.processPointerOverOut = this.processPointerOverOut.bind(this);

     * @private
     * @member {function}
    this.onPointerOver = this.onPointerOver.bind(this);

     * Dictionary of how different cursor modes are handled. Strings are handled as CSS cursor values, objects are handled as dictionaries of CSS values for interactionDOMElement, and functions are called instead of changing the CSS.
     * Default CSS cursor values are provided for 'default' and 'pointer' modes.
     * @member {object.<string, (string|function|Object.<string, string>)>}
    this.cursorStyles = {
      default: 'inherit',
      pointer: 'pointer',

     * The mode of the cursor that is being used.
     * The value of this is a key from the cursorStyles dictionary.
     * @member {string}
    this.currentCursorMode = null;

     * Internal cached let.
     * @private
     * @member {string}
    this.cursor = null;

     * Internal cached let.
     * @private
     * @member {Tiny.Point}
    this._tempPoint = new core.Point();

     * The current resolution / device pixel ratio.
     * @member {number}
     * @default 1
    this.resolution = 1;

    this.setTargetElement(this.renderer.view, this.renderer.resolution);

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed on the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#mousedown
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed on the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#rightdown
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released over the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#mouseup
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released over the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#rightup
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed and released on the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#click
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed and released on the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#rightclick
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a [mousedown]{@link Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#event:mousedown}.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#mouseupoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a [rightdown]{@link Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#event:rightdown}.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#rightupoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved while over the display object
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#mousemove
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved onto the display object
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#mouseover
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved off the display object
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#mouseout
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is pressed on the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointerdown
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is released over the display object.
     * Not always fired when some buttons are held down while others are released. In those cases, use [mousedown]{@link Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#event:mousedown} and [mouseup]{@link Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#event:mouseup} instead.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointerup
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when the operating system cancels a pointer event
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointercancel
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is pressed and released on the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointertap
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is released outside the display object that initially registered a [pointerdown]{@link Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#event:pointerdown}.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointerupoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device is moved while over the display object
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointermove
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device is moved onto the display object
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointerover
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device is moved off the display object
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#pointerout
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is placed on the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#touchstart
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is removed from the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#touchend
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when the operating system cancels a touch
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#touchcancel
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is placed and removed from the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#tap
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is removed outside of the display object that initially registered a [touchstart]{@link Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#event:touchstart}.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#touchendoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is moved along the display object.
     * @event Tiny.interaction.InteractionManager#touchmove
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed on the display. object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#mousedown
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed on the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#rightdown
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released over the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#mouseup
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released over the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#rightup
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed and released on the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#click
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed and released on the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#rightclick
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a [mousedown]{@link Tiny.DisplayObject#event:mousedown}.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#mouseupoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a [rightdown]{@link Tiny.DisplayObject#event:rightdown}.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#rightupoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved while over the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#mousemove
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved onto the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#mouseover
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved off the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#mouseout
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is pressed on the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointerdown
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is released over the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointerup
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when the operating system cancels a pointer event.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointercancel
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is pressed and released on the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointertap
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device button is released outside the display object that initially registered a [pointerdown]{@link Tiny.DisplayObject#event:pointerdown}.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointerupoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device is moved while over the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointermove
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device is moved onto the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointerover
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a pointer device is moved off the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#pointerout
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is placed on the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#touchstart
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is removed from the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#touchend
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when the operating system cancels a touch.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#touchcancel
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is placed and removed from the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#tap
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is removed outside of the display object that initially registered a [touchstart]{@link Tiny.DisplayObject#event:touchstart}.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#touchendoutside
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

     * Fired when a touch point is moved along the display object.
     * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
     * @event Tiny.DisplayObject#touchmove
     * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} event - Interaction event

   * Hit tests a point against the display tree, returning the first interactive object that is hit.
   * @param {Tiny.Point} globalPoint - A point to hit test with, in global space.
   * @param {Tiny.Container} [root] - The root display object to start from. If omitted, defaults to the last rendered root of the associated renderer.
   * @return {Tiny.DisplayObject} The hit display object, if any.
  hitTest(globalPoint, root) {
    // clear the target for our hit test = null;
    // assign the global point = globalPoint;
    // ensure safety of the root
    if (!root) {
      root = this.renderer._lastObjectRendered;
    // run the hit test
    this.processInteractive(hitTestEvent, root, null, true);
    // return our found object - it'll be null if we didn't hit anything


   * Sets the DOM element which will receive mouse/touch events. This is useful for when you have other DOM elements on top of the renderers Canvas element. With this you'll be bale to deletegate another DOM element to receive those events.
   * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} element - the DOM element which will receive mouse and touch events.
   * @param {number} [resolution=1] - The resolution / device pixel ratio of the new element (relative to the canvas).
  setTargetElement(element, resolution = 1) {

    this.interactionDOMElement = element;

    this.resolution = resolution;


   * Registers all the DOM events
   * @private
  addEvents() {
    if (!this.interactionDOMElement) {

    core.ticker.shared.add(this.update, this, core.UPDATE_PRIORITY.INTERACTION);

    if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {['-ms-content-zooming'] = 'none';['-ms-touch-action'] = 'none';
    } else if (this.supportsPointerEvents) {['touch-action'] = 'none';

     * These events are added first, so that if pointer events are normalised, they are fired in the same order as non-normalised events. ie. pointer event 1st, mouse / touch 2nd
    if (this.supportsPointerEvents) {
      window.document.addEventListener('pointermove', this.onPointerMove, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.onPointerDown, true);
      // pointerout is fired in addition to pointerup (for touch events) and pointercancel
      // we already handle those, so for the purposes of what we do in onPointerOut, we only
      // care about the pointerleave event
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('pointerleave', this.onPointerOut, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('pointerover', this.onPointerOver, true);
      window.addEventListener('pointercancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
      window.addEventListener('pointerup', this.onPointerUp, true);
    } else {
      window.document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onPointerMove, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onPointerDown, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('mouseout', this.onPointerOut, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('mouseover', this.onPointerOver, true);
      window.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onPointerUp, true);

    // always look directly for touch events so that we can provide original data
    // In a future version we should change this to being just a fallback and rely solely on
    // PointerEvents whenever available
    if (this.supportsTouchEvents) {
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onPointerDown, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('touchend', this.onPointerUp, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onPointerMove, true);

    this.eventsAdded = true;

   * Removes all the DOM events that were previously registered
   * @private
  removeEvents() {
    if (!this.interactionDOMElement) {

    core.ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this);

    if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {['-ms-content-zooming'] = '';['-ms-touch-action'] = '';
    } else if (this.supportsPointerEvents) {['touch-action'] = '';

    if (this.supportsPointerEvents) {
      window.document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this.onPointerMove, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this.onPointerDown, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('pointerleave', this.onPointerOut, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('pointerover', this.onPointerOver, true);
      window.removeEventListener('pointercancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
      window.removeEventListener('pointerup', this.onPointerUp, true);
    } else {
      window.document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onPointerMove, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onPointerDown, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('mouseout', this.onPointerOut, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('mouseover', this.onPointerOver, true);
      window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onPointerUp, true);

    if (this.supportsTouchEvents) {
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onPointerDown, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('touchcancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onPointerUp, true);
      this.interactionDOMElement.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onPointerMove, true);

    this.interactionDOMElement = null;

    this.eventsAdded = false;

   * Updates the state of interactive objects.
   * Invoked by a throttled ticker update from {@link Tiny.ticker.shared}.
   * @param {number} deltaTime - time delta since last tick
  update(deltaTime) {
    this._deltaTime += deltaTime;

    if (this._deltaTime < this.interactionFrequency) {

    this._deltaTime = 0;

    if (!this.interactionDOMElement) {

    // if the user move the mouse this check has already been done using the mouse move!
    if (this.didMove) {
      this.didMove = false;


    this.cursor = null;

    // Resets the flag as set by a stopPropagation call. This flag is usually reset by a user interaction of any kind,
    // but there was a scenario of a display object moving under a static mouse cursor.
    // In this case, mouseover and mouseevents would not pass the flag test in dispatchEvent function
    for (const k in this.activeInteractionData) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
      if (this.activeInteractionData.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        const interactionData = this.activeInteractionData[k];

        if (interactionData.originalEvent && interactionData.pointerType !== 'touch') {
          const interactionEvent = this.configureInteractionEventForDOMEvent(



    // TODO

   * Sets the current cursor mode, handling any callbacks or CSS style changes.
   * @param {string} mode - cursor mode, a key from the cursorStyles dictionary
  setCursorMode(mode) {
    mode = mode || 'default';
    // if the mode didn't actually change, bail early
    if (this.currentCursorMode === mode) {
    this.currentCursorMode = mode;
    const style = this.cursorStyles[mode];

    // only do things if there is a cursor style for it
    if (style) {
      switch (typeof style) {
        case 'string':
          // string styles are handled as cursor CSS
 = style;
        case 'function':
          // functions are just called, and passed the cursor mode
        case 'object':
          // if it is an object, assume that it is a dictionary of CSS styles,
          // apply it to the interactionDOMElement
          Object.assign(, style);
    } else if (typeof mode === 'string' && !, mode)) {
      // if it mode is a string (not a Symbol) and cursorStyles doesn't have any entry
      // for the mode, then assume that the dev wants it to be CSS for the cursor. = mode;

   * Dispatches an event on the display object that was interacted with
   * @param {Tiny.Container|Tiny.Sprite|Tiny.TilingSprite} displayObject - the display object in question
   * @param {string} eventString - the name of the event (e.g, mousedown)
   * @param {object} eventData - the event data object
   * @private
  dispatchEvent(displayObject, eventString, eventData) {
    if (!eventData.stopped) {
      eventData.currentTarget = displayObject;
      eventData.type = eventString;

      displayObject.emit(eventString, eventData);

      if (displayObject[eventString]) {

   * Maps x and y coords from a DOM object and maps them correctly to the TinyJS view. The resulting value is stored in the point. This takes into account the fact that the DOM element could be scaled and positioned anywhere on the screen.
   * @param {Tiny.Point} point - the point that the result will be stored in
   * @param {number} x - the x coord of the position to map
   * @param {number} y - the y coord of the position to map
  mapPositionToPoint(point, x, y) {
    let rect;

    // IE 11 fix
    if (!this.interactionDOMElement.parentElement) {
      rect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
    } else {
      rect = this.interactionDOMElement.getBoundingClientRect();

    // support for Canvas+ runtime
    if (navigator.isCanvasPlus) {
      rect = this.interactionDOMElement.getBoundingClientRect();

    const resolutionMultiplier = 1.0 / this.resolution;

    point.x = ((x - rect.left) * (this.interactionDOMElement.width / rect.width)) * resolutionMultiplier;
    point.y = ((y - * (this.interactionDOMElement.height / rect.height)) * resolutionMultiplier;

   * This function is provides a neat way of crawling through the scene graph and running a specified function on all interactive objects it finds. It will also take care of hit testing the interactive objects and passes the hit across in the function.
   * @private
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} interactionEvent - event containing the point that is tested for collision
   * @param {Tiny.Container|Tiny.Sprite|Tiny.TilingSprite} displayObject - the displayObject that will be hit test (recursively crawls its children)
   * @param {function} [func] - the function that will be called on each interactive object. The interactionEvent, displayObject and hit will be passed to the function
   * @param {boolean} [hitTest] - this indicates if the objects inside should be hit test against the point
   * @param {boolean} [interactive] - Whether the displayObject is interactive
   * @return {boolean} returns true if the displayObject hit the point
  processInteractive(interactionEvent, displayObject, func, hitTest, interactive) {
    if (!displayObject || !displayObject.visible) {
      return false;

    const point =;

    // Took a little while to rework this function correctly! But now it is done and nice and optimised. ^_^
    // This function will now loop through all objects and then only hit test the objects it HAS
    // to, not all of them. MUCH faster..
    // An object will be hit test if the following is true:
    // 1: It is interactive.
    // 2: It belongs to a parent that is interactive AND one of the parents children have not already been hit.
    // As another little optimisation once an interactive object has been hit we can carry on
    // through the scenegraph, but we know that there will be no more hits! So we can avoid extra hit tests
    // A final optimisation is that an object is not hit test directly if a child has already been hit.

    interactive = displayObject.interactive || interactive;

    let hit = false;
    let interactiveParent = interactive;

    // Flag here can set to false if the event is outside the parents hitArea or mask
    let hitTestChildren = true;

    // If there is a hitArea, no need to test against anything else if the pointer is not within the hitArea
    // There is also no longer a need to hitTest children.
    if (displayObject.hitArea) {
      if (hitTest) {
        displayObject.worldTransform.applyInverse(point, this._tempPoint);
        if (!displayObject.hitArea.contains(this._tempPoint.x, this._tempPoint.y)) {
          hitTest = false;
          hitTestChildren = false;
        } else {
          hit = true;
      interactiveParent = false;
    } else if (displayObject._mask) { // If there is a mask, no need to test against anything else if the pointer is not within the mask
      if (hitTest) {
        if (!displayObject._mask.containsPoint(point)) {
          hitTest = false;
          hitTestChildren = false;

    // ** FREE TIP **! If an object is not interactive or has no buttons in it
    // (such as a game scene!) set interactiveChildren to false for that displayObject.
    // This will allow TinyJS to completely ignore and bypass checking the displayObjects children.
    if (hitTestChildren && displayObject.interactiveChildren && displayObject.children) {
      const children = displayObject.children;

      for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const child = children[i];

        // time to get recursive.. if this function will return if something is hit..
        const childHit = this.processInteractive(interactionEvent, child, func, hitTest, interactiveParent);

        if (childHit) {
          // its a good idea to check if a child has lost its parent.
          // this means it has been removed whilst looping so its best
          if (!child.parent) {

          // we no longer need to hit test any more objects in this container as we we
          // now know the parent has been hit
          interactiveParent = false;

          // If the child is interactive , that means that the object hit was actually
          // interactive and not just the child of an interactive object.
          // This means we no longer need to hit test anything else. We still need to run
          // through all objects, but we don't need to perform any hit tests.

          if (childHit) {
            if ( {
              hitTest = false;
            hit = true;

    // no point running this if the item is not interactive or does not have an interactive parent.
    if (interactive) {
      // if we are hit testing (as in we have no hit any objects yet)
      // We also don't need to worry about hit testing if once of the displayObjects children
      // has already been hit - but only if it was interactive, otherwise we need to keep
      // looking for an interactive child, just in case we hit one
      if (hitTest && ! {
        // already tested against hitArea if it is defined
        if (!displayObject.hitArea && displayObject.containsPoint) {
          // @version 1.2.3 @2018-01-03 修复显示对象 tansform 变换前触发事件回调(即会在 {x: 0, y: 0} 的初始位置),_worldID !== 0 时可以认为显示对象已经完成 tansform 变换
          if (displayObject.containsPoint(point) && displayObject.transform._worldID !== 0) {
            hit = true;

      if (displayObject.interactive) {
        if (hit && ! {
 = displayObject;

        if (func) {
          func(interactionEvent, displayObject, !!hit);

    return hit;

   * Is called when the pointer button is pressed down on the renderer element
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} originalEvent - The DOM event of a pointer button being pressed down
  onPointerDown(originalEvent) {
    // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
    if (this.supportsTouchEvents && originalEvent.pointerType === 'touch') return;

    const events = this.normalizeToPointerData(originalEvent);

     * No need to prevent default on natural pointer events, as there are no side effects
     * Normalized events, however, may have the double mousedown/touchstart issue on the native android browser, so still need to be prevented.

    // Guaranteed that there will be at least one event in events, and all events must have the same pointer type

    if (this.autoPreventDefault && events[0].isNormalized) {

    const eventLen = events.length;

    for (let i = 0; i < eventLen; i++) {
      const event = events[i];

      const interactionData = this.getInteractionDataForPointerId(event);

      const interactionEvent = this.configureInteractionEventForDOMEvent(this.eventData, event, interactionData); = originalEvent;

      this.processInteractive(interactionEvent, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processPointerDown, true);

      this.emit('pointerdown', interactionEvent);
      if (event.pointerType === 'touch') {
        this.emit('touchstart', interactionEvent);
      } else if (event.pointerType === 'mouse' || event.pointerType === 'pen') {
        // emit a mouse event for "pen" pointers, the way a browser would emit a fallback event
        const isRightButton = event.button === 2;

        this.emit(isRightButton ? 'rightdown' : 'mousedown', this.eventData);

   * Processes the result of the pointer down check and dispatches the event if need be
   * @private
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} interactionEvent - The interaction event wrapping the DOM event
   * @param {Tiny.Container|Tiny.Sprite|Tiny.TilingSprite} displayObject - The display object that was tested
   * @param {boolean} hit - the result of the hit test on the display object
  processPointerDown(interactionEvent, displayObject, hit) {
    const data =;
    const id =;

    if (hit) {
      if (!displayObject.trackedPointers[id]) {
        displayObject.trackedPointers[id] = new InteractionTrackingData(id);
      this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointerdown', interactionEvent);

      if (data.pointerType === 'touch') {
        this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'touchstart', interactionEvent);
      } else if (data.pointerType === 'mouse' || data.pointerType === 'pen') {
        const isRightButton = data.button === 2;

        if (isRightButton) {
          displayObject.trackedPointers[id].rightDown = true;
        } else {
          displayObject.trackedPointers[id].leftDown = true;

        this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, isRightButton ? 'rightdown' : 'mousedown', interactionEvent);

   * Is called when the pointer button is released on the renderer element
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} originalEvent - The DOM event of a pointer button being released
   * @param {boolean} cancelled - true if the pointer is cancelled
   * @param {function} func - Function passed to {@link processInteractive}
  onPointerComplete(originalEvent, cancelled, func) {
    const events = this.normalizeToPointerData(originalEvent);

    const eventLen = events.length;

    // if the event wasn't targeting our canvas, then consider it to be pointerupoutside
    // in all cases (unless it was a pointercancel)
    const eventAppend = !== this.interactionDOMElement ? 'outside' : '';

    for (let i = 0; i < eventLen; i++) {
      const event = events[i];

      const interactionData = this.getInteractionDataForPointerId(event);

      const interactionEvent = this.configureInteractionEventForDOMEvent(this.eventData, event, interactionData); = originalEvent;

      // perform hit testing for events targeting our canvas or cancel events
      this.processInteractive(interactionEvent, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, func, cancelled || !eventAppend);

      this.emit(cancelled ? 'pointercancel' : `pointerup${eventAppend}`, interactionEvent);

      if (event.pointerType === 'mouse' || event.pointerType === 'pen') {
        const isRightButton = event.button === 2;

        this.emit(isRightButton ? `rightup${eventAppend}` : `mouseup${eventAppend}`, interactionEvent);
      } else if (event.pointerType === 'touch') {
        this.emit(cancelled ? 'touchcancel' : `touchend${eventAppend}`, interactionEvent);
        this.releaseInteractionDataForPointerId(event.pointerId, interactionData);

   * Is called when the pointer button is cancelled
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} event - The DOM event of a pointer button being released
  onPointerCancel(event) {
    // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
    if (this.supportsTouchEvents && event.pointerType === 'touch') return;

    this.onPointerComplete(event, true, this.processPointerCancel);

   * Processes the result of the pointer cancel check and dispatches the event if need be
   * @private
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} interactionEvent - The interaction event wrapping the DOM event
   * @param {Tiny.Container|Tiny.Sprite|Tiny.TilingSprite} displayObject - The display object that was tested
  processPointerCancel(interactionEvent, displayObject) {
    const data =;

    const id =;

    if (displayObject.trackedPointers[id] !== undefined) {
      delete displayObject.trackedPointers[id];
      this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointercancel', interactionEvent);

      if (data.pointerType === 'touch') {
        this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'touchcancel', interactionEvent);

   * Is called when the pointer button is released on the renderer element
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} event - The DOM event of a pointer button being released
  onPointerUp(event) {
    // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
    if (this.supportsTouchEvents && event.pointerType === 'touch') return;

    this.onPointerComplete(event, false, this.processPointerUp);

   * Processes the result of the pointer up check and dispatches the event if need be
   * @private
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} interactionEvent - The interaction event wrapping the DOM event
   * @param {Tiny.Container|Tiny.Sprite|Tiny.TilingSprite} displayObject - The display object that was tested
   * @param {boolean} hit - the result of the hit test on the display object
  processPointerUp(interactionEvent, displayObject, hit) {
    const data =;

    const id =;

    const trackingData = displayObject.trackedPointers[id];

    const isTouch = data.pointerType === 'touch';

    const isMouse = (data.pointerType === 'mouse' || data.pointerType === 'pen');
    // need to track mouse down status in the mouse block so that we can emit
    // event in a later block
    let isMouseTap = false;

    // Mouse only
    if (isMouse) {
      const isRightButton = data.button === 2;

      const flags = InteractionTrackingData.FLAGS;

      const test = isRightButton ? flags.RIGHT_DOWN : flags.LEFT_DOWN;

      const isDown = trackingData !== undefined && (trackingData.flags & test);

      if (hit) {
        this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, isRightButton ? 'rightup' : 'mouseup', interactionEvent);

        if (isDown) {
          this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, isRightButton ? 'rightclick' : 'click', interactionEvent);
          // because we can confirm that the mousedown happened on this object, flag for later emit of pointertap
          isMouseTap = true;
      } else if (isDown) {
        this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, isRightButton ? 'rightupoutside' : 'mouseupoutside', interactionEvent);
      // update the down state of the tracking data
      if (trackingData) {
        if (isRightButton) {
          trackingData.rightDown = false;
        } else {
          trackingData.leftDown = false;

    // Pointers and Touches, and Mouse
    if (hit) {
      this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointerup', interactionEvent);
      if (isTouch) this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'touchend', interactionEvent);

      if (trackingData) {
        // emit pointertap if not a mouse, or if the mouse block decided it was a tap
        if (!isMouse || isMouseTap) {
          this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointertap', interactionEvent);
        if (isTouch) {
          this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'tap', interactionEvent);
          // touches are no longer over (if they ever were) when we get the touchend
          // so we should ensure that we don't keep pretending that they are
          trackingData.over = false;
    } else if (trackingData) {
      this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointerupoutside', interactionEvent);
      if (isTouch) this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'touchendoutside', interactionEvent);
    // Only remove the tracking data if there is no over/down state still associated with it
    if (trackingData && trackingData.none) {
      delete displayObject.trackedPointers[id];

   * Is called when the pointer moves across the renderer element
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} originalEvent - The DOM event of a pointer moving
  onPointerMove(originalEvent) {
    // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
    if (this.supportsTouchEvents && originalEvent.pointerType === 'touch') return;

    const events = this.normalizeToPointerData(originalEvent);

    if (events[0].pointerType === 'mouse' || events[0].pointerType === 'pen') {
      this.didMove = true;

      this.cursor = null;

    const eventLen = events.length;

    for (let i = 0; i < eventLen; i++) {
      const event = events[i];

      const interactionData = this.getInteractionDataForPointerId(event);

      const interactionEvent = this.configureInteractionEventForDOMEvent(this.eventData, event, interactionData); = originalEvent;

      const interactive = event.pointerType === 'touch' ? this.moveWhenInside : true;

      this.emit('pointermove', interactionEvent);
      if (event.pointerType === 'touch') this.emit('touchmove', interactionEvent);
      if (event.pointerType === 'mouse' || event.pointerType === 'pen') this.emit('mousemove', interactionEvent);

    if (events[0].pointerType === 'mouse') {

      // TODO BUG for parents interactive object (border order issue)

   * Processes the result of the pointer move check and dispatches the event if need be
   * @private
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} interactionEvent - The interaction event wrapping the DOM event
   * @param {Tiny.Container|Tiny.Sprite|Tiny.TilingSprite} displayObject - The display object that was tested
   * @param {boolean} hit - the result of the hit test on the display object
  processPointerMove(interactionEvent, displayObject, hit) {
    const data =;

    const isTouch = data.pointerType === 'touch';

    const isMouse = (data.pointerType === 'mouse' || data.pointerType === 'pen');

    if (isMouse) {
      this.processPointerOverOut(interactionEvent, displayObject, hit);

    if (!this.moveWhenInside || hit) {
      this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointermove', interactionEvent);
      if (isTouch) this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'touchmove', interactionEvent);
      if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'mousemove', interactionEvent);

   * Is called when the pointer is moved out of the renderer element
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} originalEvent - The DOM event of a pointer being moved out
  onPointerOut(originalEvent) {
    // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
    if (this.supportsTouchEvents && originalEvent.pointerType === 'touch') return;

    const events = this.normalizeToPointerData(originalEvent);

    // Only mouse and pointer can call onPointerOut, so events will always be length 1
    const event = events[0];

    if (event.pointerType === 'mouse') {
      this.mouseOverRenderer = false;

    const interactionData = this.getInteractionDataForPointerId(event);

    const interactionEvent = this.configureInteractionEventForDOMEvent(this.eventData, event, interactionData); = event;

    this.processInteractive(interactionEvent, this.renderer._lastObjectRendered, this.processPointerOverOut, false);

    this.emit('pointerout', interactionEvent);
    if (event.pointerType === 'mouse' || event.pointerType === 'pen') {
      this.emit('mouseout', interactionEvent);
    } else {
      // we can get touchleave events after touchend, so we want to make sure we don't
      // introduce memory leaks

   * Processes the result of the pointer over/out check and dispatches the event if need be
   * @private
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} interactionEvent - The interaction event wrapping the DOM event
   * @param {Tiny.Container|Tiny.Sprite|Tiny.TilingSprite} displayObject - The display object that was tested
   * @param {boolean} hit - the result of the hit test on the display object
  processPointerOverOut(interactionEvent, displayObject, hit) {
    const data =;

    const id =;

    const isMouse = (data.pointerType === 'mouse' || data.pointerType === 'pen');

    let trackingData = displayObject.trackedPointers[id];

    // if we just moused over the display object, then we need to track that state
    if (hit && !trackingData) {
      trackingData = displayObject.trackedPointers[id] = new InteractionTrackingData(id);

    if (trackingData === undefined) return;

    if (hit && this.mouseOverRenderer) {
      if (!trackingData.over) {
        trackingData.over = true;
        this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointerover', interactionEvent);
        if (isMouse) {
          this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'mouseover', interactionEvent);

      // only change the cursor if it has not already been changed (by something deeper in the
      // display tree)
      if (isMouse && this.cursor === null) {
        this.cursor = displayObject.cursor;
    } else if (trackingData.over) {
      trackingData.over = false;
      this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'pointerout', this.eventData);
      if (isMouse) {
        this.dispatchEvent(displayObject, 'mouseout', interactionEvent);
      // if there is no mouse down information for the pointer, then it is safe to delete
      if (trackingData.none) {
        delete displayObject.trackedPointers[id];

   * Is called when the pointer is moved into the renderer element
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} originalEvent - The DOM event of a pointer button being moved into the renderer view
  onPointerOver(originalEvent) {
    const events = this.normalizeToPointerData(originalEvent);

    // Only mouse and pointer can call onPointerOver, so events will always be length 1
    const event = events[0];

    const interactionData = this.getInteractionDataForPointerId(event);

    const interactionEvent = this.configureInteractionEventForDOMEvent(this.eventData, event, interactionData); = event;

    if (event.pointerType === 'mouse') {
      this.mouseOverRenderer = true;

    this.emit('pointerover', interactionEvent);
    if (event.pointerType === 'mouse' || event.pointerType === 'pen') {
      this.emit('mouseover', interactionEvent);

   * Get InteractionData for a given pointerId. Store that data as well
   * @private
   * @param {PointerEvent} event - Normalized pointer event, output from normalizeToPointerData
   * @return {Tiny.interaction.InteractionData} - Interaction data for the given pointer identifier
  getInteractionDataForPointerId(event) {
    const pointerId = event.pointerId;

    let interactionData;

    if (pointerId === MOUSE_POINTER_ID || event.pointerType === 'mouse') {
      interactionData = this.mouse;
    } else if (this.activeInteractionData[pointerId]) {
      interactionData = this.activeInteractionData[pointerId];
    } else {
      interactionData = this.interactionDataPool.pop() || new InteractionData();
      interactionData.identifier = pointerId;
      this.activeInteractionData[pointerId] = interactionData;
    // copy properties from the event, so that we can make sure that touch/pointer specific data is available

    return interactionData;

   * Return unused InteractionData to the pool, for a given pointerId
   * @private
   * @param {number} pointerId - Identifier from a pointer event
  releaseInteractionDataForPointerId(pointerId) {
    const interactionData = this.activeInteractionData[pointerId];

    if (interactionData) {
      delete this.activeInteractionData[pointerId];

   * Configure an InteractionEvent to wrap a DOM PointerEvent and InteractionData
   * @private
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} interactionEvent - The event to be configured
   * @param {PointerEvent} pointerEvent - The DOM event that will be paired with the InteractionEvent
   * @param {Tiny.interaction.InteractionData} interactionData - The InteractionData that will be paired with the InteractionEvent
   * @return {Tiny.interaction.InteractionEvent} the interaction event that was passed in
  configureInteractionEventForDOMEvent(interactionEvent, pointerEvent, interactionData) { = interactionData;

    this.mapPositionToPoint(, pointerEvent.clientX, pointerEvent.clientY);

    // This is the way InteractionManager processed touch events before the refactoring, so I've kept
    // it here. But it doesn't make that much sense to me, since mapPositionToPoint already factors
    // in this.resolution, so this just divides by this.resolution twice for touch events...
    // if (navigator.isCanvasPlus && pointerEvent.pointerType === 'touch') {
    // = / this.resolution;
    // = / this.resolution;
    // }

    // Not really sure why this is happening, but it's how a previous version handled things
    if (pointerEvent.pointerType === 'touch') {
      pointerEvent.globalX =;
      pointerEvent.globalY =;

    interactionData.originalEvent = pointerEvent;

    return interactionEvent;

   * Ensures that the original event object contains all data that a regular pointer event would have
   * @private
   * @param {TouchEvent|MouseEvent|PointerEvent} event - The original event data from a touch or mouse event
   * @return {PointerEvent[]} An array containing a single normalized pointer event, in the case of a pointer or mouse event, or a multiple normalized pointer events if there are multiple changed touches
  normalizeToPointerData(event) {
    const normalizedEvents = [];

    if (this.supportsTouchEvents && (navigator.isCanvasPlus || (window.TouchEvent && event instanceof window.TouchEvent))) {
      for (let i = 0, li = event.changedTouches.length; i < li; i++) {
        const touch = event.changedTouches[i];

        if (typeof touch.button === 'undefined') touch.button = event.touches.length ? 1 : 0;
        if (typeof touch.buttons === 'undefined') touch.buttons = event.touches.length ? 1 : 0;
        if (typeof touch.isPrimary === 'undefined') {
          touch.isPrimary = event.touches.length === 1 && event.type === 'touchstart';
        if (typeof touch.width === 'undefined') touch.width = touch.radiusX || 1;
        if (typeof touch.height === 'undefined') touch.height = touch.radiusY || 1;
        if (typeof touch.tiltX === 'undefined') touch.tiltX = 0;
        if (typeof touch.tiltY === 'undefined') touch.tiltY = 0;
        if (typeof touch.pointerType === 'undefined') touch.pointerType = 'touch';
        if (typeof touch.pointerId === 'undefined') touch.pointerId = touch.identifier || 0;
        if (typeof touch.pressure === 'undefined') touch.pressure = touch.force || 0.5;
        if (typeof touch.twist === 'undefined') touch.twist = 0;
        if (typeof touch.tangentialPressure === 'undefined') touch.tangentialPressure = 0;
        // TODO: Remove these, as layerX/Y is not a standard, is deprecated, has uneven
        // support, and the fill ins are not quite the same
        // offsetX/Y might be okay, but is not the same as clientX/Y when the canvas's top
        // left is not 0,0 on the page
        if (typeof touch.layerX === 'undefined') touch.layerX = touch.offsetX = touch.clientX;
        if (typeof touch.layerY === 'undefined') touch.layerY = touch.offsetY = touch.clientY;

        // mark the touch as normalized, just so that we know we did it
        touch.isNormalized = true;

    } else if (window.MouseEvent && event instanceof window.MouseEvent && (!this.supportsPointerEvents || !(window.PointerEvent && event instanceof window.PointerEvent))) {
      // apparently PointerEvent subclasses MouseEvent, so yay
      if (typeof event.isPrimary === 'undefined') event.isPrimary = true;
      if (typeof event.width === 'undefined') event.width = 1;
      if (typeof event.height === 'undefined') event.height = 1;
      if (typeof event.tiltX === 'undefined') event.tiltX = 0;
      if (typeof event.tiltY === 'undefined') event.tiltY = 0;
      if (typeof event.pointerType === 'undefined') event.pointerType = 'mouse';
      if (typeof event.pointerId === 'undefined') event.pointerId = MOUSE_POINTER_ID;
      if (typeof event.pressure === 'undefined') event.pressure = 0.5;
      if (typeof event.twist === 'undefined') event.twist = 0;
      if (typeof event.tangentialPressure === 'undefined') event.tangentialPressure = 0;

      // mark the mouse event as normalized, just so that we know we did it
      event.isNormalized = true;

    } else {

    return normalizedEvents;

   * Destroys the interaction manager
  destroy() {


    this.renderer = null;

    this.mouse = null;

    this.eventData = null;

    this.interactionDOMElement = null;

    this.onPointerDown = null;
    this.processPointerDown = null;

    this.onPointerUp = null;
    this.processPointerUp = null;

    this.onPointerCancel = null;
    this.processPointerCancel = null;

    this.onPointerMove = null;
    this.processPointerMove = null;

    this.onPointerOut = null;
    this.processPointerOverOut = null;

    this.onPointerOver = null;

    this._tempPoint = null;

core.WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin('interaction', InteractionManager);
core.CanvasRenderer.registerPlugin('interaction', InteractionManager);
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.4.3 on Fri Jul 09 2021 19:32:25 GMT+0800 (CST)