Class: Texture

Tiny. Texture

A texture stores the information that represents an image or part of an image. It cannot be added to the display list directly. Instead use it as the texture for a Sprite. If no frame is provided then the whole image is used.

You can directly create a texture from an image and then reuse it multiple times like this :

let texture = Tiny.Texture.fromImage('assets/image.png');
let sprite1 = new Tiny.Sprite(texture);
let sprite2 = new Tiny.Sprite(texture);

Textures made from SVGs, loaded or not, cannot be used before the file finishes processing.
You can check for this by checking the sprite's _textureID property.

var texture = Tiny.Texture.fromImage('assets/image.svg');
var sprite1 = new Tiny.Sprite(texture);
//sprite1._textureID should not be undefined if the texture has finished processing the SVG file

You can use a ticker or rAF to ensure your sprites load the finished textures after processing. See issue #3068.

new Tiny.Texture(baseTexture, frame, orig, trim, rotate, anchor)

Name Type Description
baseTexture Tiny.BaseTexture

The base texture source to create the texture from

frame Tiny.Rectangle optional

The rectangle frame of the texture to show

orig Tiny.Rectangle optional

The area of original texture

trim Tiny.Rectangle optional

Trimmed rectangle of original texture

rotate number optional

indicates how the texture was rotated by texture packer. See Tiny.GroupD8

anchor Tiny.Point optional

Default anchor point used for sprite placement / rotation


  • EventEmitter



An empty texture, used often to not have to create multiple empty textures.
Can not be destroyed.


A white texture of 10x10 size, used for graphics and other things
Can not be destroyed.

This is the area of the BaseTexture image to actually copy to the Canvas / WebGL when rendering, irrespective of the actual frame size or placement (which can be influenced by trimmed texture atlases)


The base texture that this texture uses.


Anchor point that is used as default if sprite is created with this texture.
Changing the defaultAnchor at a later point of time will not update Sprite's anchor point.

  • 1.2.0
Default Value:
  • {0,0}

The frame specifies the region of the base texture that this texture uses.
Please call _updateUvs() after you change coordinates of frame manually.


The height of the Texture in pixels.


Does this Texture have any frame data assigned to it?

This is the area of original texture, before it was put in atlas


This will let a renderer know that a texture has been updated (used mainly for webGL uv updates)


Indicates whether the texture is rotated inside the atlas, set to 2 to compensate for texture packer rotation, set to 6 to compensate for spine packer rotation, can be used to rotate or mirror sprites
See Tiny.GroupD8 for explanation


The ids under which this Texture has been added to the texture cache. This is automatically set as long as Texture.addToCache is used, but may not be set if a
Texture is added directly to the TextureCache array.

Contains data for uvs. May contain clamp settings and some matrices.
Its a bit heavy, so by default that object is not created.

Default Value:
  • null

This is the trimmed area of original texture, before it was put in atlas
Please call _updateUvs() after you change coordinates of trim manually.


This will let the renderer know if the texture is valid. If it's not then it cannot be rendered.


The width of the Texture in pixels.


staticTiny.Texture.addToCache(texture, id)

Adds a Texture to the global TextureCache. This cache is shared across the whole Tiny object.

Name Type Description
texture Tiny.Texture

The Texture to add to the cache.

id string

The id that the Texture will be stored against.


Helper function that creates a new Texture based on the source you provide.
The source can be - frame id, image url, video url, canvas element, video element, base texture

Name Type Description
source number | string | Tiny.BaseTexture | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLVideoElement

Source to create texture from

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The newly created texture

staticTiny.Texture.fromCanvas(canvas, scaleMode, origin){Tiny.Texture}

Helper function that creates a new Texture based on the given canvas element.

Name Type Default Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas element source of the texture

scaleMode number Tiny.settings.SCALE_MODE optional

See Tiny.SCALE_MODES for possible values

origin string 'canvas' optional

A string origin of who created the base texture

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The newly created texture


Helper function that creates a sprite that will contain a texture from the TextureCache based on the frameId
The frame ids are created when a Texture packer file has been loaded

Name Type Description
frameId string

The frame Id of the texture in the cache

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The newly created texture

staticTiny.Texture.fromImage(imageUrl, crossorigin, scaleMode, sourceScale){Tiny.Texture}

Helper function that creates a Texture object from the given image url.
If the image is not in the texture cache it will be created and loaded.

Name Type Default Description
imageUrl string

The image url of the texture

crossorigin boolean optional

Whether requests should be treated as crossorigin

scaleMode number Tiny.settings.SCALE_MODE optional

See Tiny.SCALE_MODES for possible values

sourceScale number (auto) optional

Scale for the original image, used with SVG images.

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The newly created texture

staticTiny.Texture.fromLoader(source, imageUrl, name){Tiny.Texture}

Create a texture from a source and add to the cache.

Name Type Description
source HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement

The input source.

imageUrl string

File name of texture, for cache and resolving resolution.

name string optional

Human readible name for the texture cache. If no name is specified, only imageUrl will be used as the cache ID.

Type Description
Tiny.Texture Output texture

staticTiny.Texture.fromVideo(video, scaleMode, crossorigin, autoPlay){Tiny.Texture}

Helper function that creates a new Texture based on the given video element.

Name Type Default Description
video HTMLVideoElement | string

The URL or actual element of the video

scaleMode number Tiny.settings.SCALE_MODE optional

See Tiny.SCALE_MODES for possible values

crossorigin boolean (auto) optional

Should use anonymous CORS? Defaults to true if the URL is not a data-URI.

autoPlay boolean true optional

Start playing video as soon as it is loaded

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The newly created texture

staticTiny.Texture.fromVideoUrl(videoUrl, scaleMode, crossorigin, autoPlay){Tiny.Texture}

Helper function that creates a new Texture based on the video url.

Name Type Default Description
videoUrl string

URL of the video

scaleMode number Tiny.settings.SCALE_MODE optional

See Tiny.SCALE_MODES for possible values

crossorigin boolean (auto) optional

Should use anonymous CORS? Defaults to true if the URL is not a data-URI.

autoPlay boolean true optional

Start playing video as soon as it is loaded

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The newly created texture


Remove a Texture from the global TextureCache.

Name Type Description
texture string | Tiny.Texture

id of a Texture to be removed, or a Texture instance itself

Type Description
Tiny.Texture | null The Texture that was removed

Updates the internal WebGL UV cache. Use it after you change frame or trim of the texture.

Creates a new texture object that acts the same as this one.

Type Description
Tiny.Texture The new texture


Destroys this texture

Name Type Default Description
destroyBase boolean false optional

Whether to destroy the base texture as well

Updates this texture on the gpu.


Fired when the texture is updated. This happens if the frame or the baseTexture is updated.

Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.4.3 on Fri Jul 09 2021 19:32:27 GMT+0800 (CST)