Source: tiny/core/utils/index.js

import pluginTarget from './pluginTarget';
import mapPremultipliedBlendModes from './mapPremultipliedBlendModes';
import earcut from 'earcut';
export * from './decide';

let nextUid = 0;

export {
   * @memberof Tiny
   * @function pluginTarget
   * @private
   * @type {mixin}

   * earcut v2.1.3
   * @see {@link}
   * @version 1.2.0
   * @memberof Tiny
   * @function earcut
   * @param {number[]} vertices - A flat array of vertice coordinates
   * @param {number[]} [holes] - An array of hole indices
   * @param {number} [dimensions=2] - The number of coordinates per vertice in the input array
   * @return {number[]} Triangulated polygon

 * Gets the next unique identifier
 * @static
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function uid
 * @return {number} The next unique identifier to use.
export function uid() {
  return ++nextUid;

 * Helper for checking for webgl support
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function isWebGLSupported
 * @return {boolean} is webgl supported
export function isWebGLSupported() {
  const contextOptions = { stencil: true, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: true };

  try {
    if (!window.WebGLRenderingContext) {
      return false;

    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    let gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', contextOptions) || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl', contextOptions);

    const success = !!(gl && gl.getContextAttributes().stencil);

    if (gl) {
      const loseContext = gl.getExtension('WEBGL_lose_context');

      if (loseContext) {

    gl = null;

    return success;
  } catch (e) {
    return false;

 * texture 缓存,用于存储已加载的图片 texture
 * @name TextureCache
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @type {object}
 * @private
export const TextureCache = Object.create(null);

 * @name BaseTextureCache
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @type {object}
 * @private
export const BaseTextureCache = Object.create(null);

 * CountDown 缓存,用于存储已实例化的 CountDown 对象
 * @name CountDownCache
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @type {array}
 * @version 1.1.7
 * @private
export const CountDownCache = [];

 * Destroys all texture in the cache
 * @static
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function destroyTextureCache
export function destroyTextureCache() {
  let key;

  for (key in TextureCache) {
  for (key in BaseTextureCache) {

 * Removes all textures from cache, but does not destroy them
 * @static
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function clearTextureCache
export function clearTextureCache() {
  let key;

  for (key in TextureCache) {
    delete TextureCache[key];
  for (key in BaseTextureCache) {
    delete BaseTextureCache[key];

 * maps premultiply flag and blendMode to adjusted blendMode
 * @version 1.2.0
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @const premultiplyBlendMode
 * @type {array<number[]>}
export const premultiplyBlendMode = mapPremultipliedBlendModes();

 * changes blendMode according to texture format
 * @version 1.2.0
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function correctBlendMode
 * @param {number} blendMode - supposed blend mode
 * @param {boolean} premultiplied - whether source is premultiplied
 * @return {number} true blend mode for this texture
export function correctBlendMode(blendMode, premultiplied) {
  return premultiplyBlendMode[premultiplied ? 1 : 0][blendMode];

 * premultiplies tint
 * @version 1.2.0
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function premultiplyTint
 * @param {number} tint - integet RGB
 * @param {number} alpha - floating point alpha (0.0-1.0)
 * @return {number} tint multiplied by alpha
export function premultiplyTint(tint, alpha) {
  if (alpha === 1.0) {
    return (alpha * 255 << 24) + tint;
  if (alpha === 0.0) {
    return 0;
  let R = ((tint >> 16) & 0xFF);
  let G = ((tint >> 8) & 0xFF);
  let B = (tint & 0xFF);

  R = ((R * alpha) + 0.5) | 0;
  G = ((G * alpha) + 0.5) | 0;
  B = ((B * alpha) + 0.5) | 0;

  return (alpha * 255 << 24) + (R << 16) + (G << 8) + B;

 * combines rgb and alpha to out array
 * @version 1.2.0
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function premultiplyRgba
 * @param {Float32Array|number[]} rgb - input rgb
 * @param {number} alpha - alpha param
 * @param {Float32Array} [out] - output
 * @param {boolean} [premultiply=true] - do premultiply it
 * @return {Float32Array} vec4 rgba
export function premultiplyRgba(rgb, alpha, out, premultiply) {
  out = out || new Float32Array(4);
  if (premultiply || premultiply === undefined) {
    out[0] = rgb[0] * alpha;
    out[1] = rgb[1] * alpha;
    out[2] = rgb[2] * alpha;
  } else {
    out[0] = rgb[0];
    out[1] = rgb[1];
    out[2] = rgb[2];
  out[3] = alpha;

  return out;

 * converts integer tint and float alpha to vec4 form, premultiplies by default
 * @version 1.2.0
 * @memberof Tiny
 * @function premultiplyTintToRgba
 * @param {number} tint - input tint
 * @param {number} alpha - alpha param
 * @param {Float32Array} [out] - output
 * @param {boolean} [premultiply=true] - do premultiply it
 * @return {Float32Array} vec4 rgba
export function premultiplyTintToRgba(tint, alpha, out, premultiply) {
  out = out || new Float32Array(4);
  out[0] = ((tint >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0;
  out[1] = ((tint >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0;
  out[2] = (tint & 0xFF) / 255.0;
  if (premultiply || premultiply === undefined) {
    out[0] *= alpha;
    out[1] *= alpha;
    out[2] *= alpha;
  out[3] = alpha;

  return out;

export let FrameCount = 0;
export function __frameDot() {
export function equalsFramCount(fps) {
  switch (fps) {
    case 10:
      return !(FrameCount % 6);
    case 20:
      return !(FrameCount % 3);
    case 30:
      return !(FrameCount % 2);
    case 40:
      return FrameCount % 3;
    case 50:
      return FrameCount % 6;
      return true;
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.4.3 on Fri Jul 09 2021 19:32:25 GMT+0800 (CST)